All Episodes

Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 40 in total

Start with the title

Sam gives us an update on how his marketing cycle is going, what he's focusing on, and why he's starting with the title. German shares a slight detour into open source...

Minimize regret, maximize marketing

German talks about where he wants to be at the end of 2024 and the importance of a singular focus. Sam talks about Build UI's latest course launch and his upcoming wor...

Sleeping Easy with Tyler Young

We have a guest! Tyler Young joins German to talk about his new venture: Sleep Easy -- a proactive website monitoring tool that alerts users before issues happen! Tyle...

Why film studios don't market old movies

Sam talks about the launch of Build UI's fourth course, the importance of pre-launch marketing, and plans for Build UI's next course. German talks about potentially ad...

Why would it work this time around?

German and Sam are back! Sam answers a question on why he thinks making courses with deadlines will work this time around. German then shares his two potential plans o...

Marketing campaigns, not flywheels

Sam tells German about his new idea for scoped marketing campaigns, the difference between YouTube videos and Build UI lessons, scoping new course launches to a month,...

A whirlwind tour of what Peter is doing (with Peter Ullrich)

This week we have a guest, Peter Ullrich! German and Peter chat as Peter talks about the numerous side-projects he's had through the years and shares lessons learned a...

Stop overthinking and start creating

German talks about ElixirConf and his talk, and considers whether he wants to focus on more info products next. Sam gives an update on Build UI, and talks about how he...

The power of pairing

Sam and German talk about how much money Build UI and Testing LiveView have made this year. Sam shares how pairing has been great for him and Ryan. German and Sam disc...

Having a growth mindset

Sam and German are back! Sam shares an update on course progress, when Build UI will raise prices, and his focus on creating videos faster. German talks about his two ...

Catching up on Lifetime Memberships + Testing Liveview

Sam gives an update on Build UI nearly three months after launching lifetime memberships. German talks about how his course launch went and considers what to focus on ...

Testing LiveView launch date, and creating more content

German talks about finishing recording all lessons for Testing LiveView, sending an email update, thoughts on team pricing, and setting a soft dealing of Tuesday May 1...

Obviously interested in business

German shares how his progress with Testing LiveView has felt like a slog. Sam helps him remove his second-guessing and encourages him to keep shipping. They also talk...

Goodbye subscriptions, hello lifetime memberships

Sam shares an update with German about his decision to remove subscriptions from Build UI. They chat about why lifetime memberships are more aligned with how customers...

You only control the effort, not the results

German gives an update on his video tweets and progress on his Testing LiveView course. He talks about how his current pace feels unsustainable, which led to him feeli...

Fewer, focused hours

German talks about using this week's episode as a deadline for his weekly work, and how he cut scope to make that happen. He also sets up a plan to prioritize his Test...

Being decisive

German and Sam chat about whether or not they truly want to hit escape velocity, the psychology of creating businesses, and how complacency and fear play big roles in ...

Balancing serendipity and deadlines

Sam talks about recognizing that he should bail out of complex demos earlier in the week if they're taking too long, and shooting something that's further along in ord...

Shorter form content

German and Sam talk about the constraints and benefits of short-form content.

Hitting our weekly goals

Sam talks about sharing his Tailwind course from Egghead on Build UI, and making a sub-10 minute YouTube video that performed well. German talks about how there's 10 w...

Focusing on content

Sam and German chat about Twitter threads and videos, Sam's potential new pricing option for Bulid UI, and German's progress on updating Testing LiveView.

Kicking off Q1

German discusses a re-release of his Testing LiveView course. Sam recaps Build UI's first course and talks tactics around hitting his weekly video goals.

Goals for the new year

German talks about setting aside looking for a SaaS to build and instead focusing on content creation. He talks about being energized by making Twitter videos and the ...

Up and down the ladder of trust

German shares ideas for building an email authoring tool focused on developers and designers writing newsletters. He also considers creating new educational materials ...

Price is the easiest lever to pull

Sam gives a quick recap of Next.js conf and talks about new users joining the Build UI Discord server. Sam and German discuss pricing as a lever and getting testimonia...

Revenue goals

Sam chats about his excitement around Build UI's Discord, his conversation with Ryan on revenue goals, and preparing his Next.js conf talk. German gives an update on l...

Customer one

German gives an update on part-time consulting and trying (but failing) to contact literary agents. Sam gives us the inside scoop into how the soft launch of Build UI ...

The soft launch

German returns to the podcast after healing from an unexpected personal health event. Sam retros the past 6 weeks building his new site Build UI, and talks about openi...

How I'm building a new product

Sam talks about how the past two weeks have gone as he and Ryan work on their new video site. He shares some product and marketing lessons he's learned since first sta...

Adam Wathan – Businesses need to adapt

Adam Wathan joins the show to talk about a new direction Sam could take for getting his video products up and running. They talk about ideas like releasing content inc...

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